Does it seem like baby is getting enough milk?


My son is currently 2 days old. We left the hospital last night. My nipples are smaller but baby was latching (I think) or at least sucking pretty well from birth. I know I don’t have a problem with milk because today my boobs are huge and full.

Baby had 2 poops and 3 pees his first day. 2nd day he only had one pee. And today he has had 3 poops and 1 pee.

I’m worried he’s not latched on correct because he’s eating every hour for about 10 minutes. And my nipples are ridiculously sore and starting to bleed and when he latches it hurts. I feel like his latch isn’t deep enough. He’s super gassy so I feel like he’s just swallowing air and not getting the milk cause his latch is off. And when he’s eating I can see hes sucking like his jaw is moving and ears are wiggling but his top lip doesn’t pucker out.

I will try to get a picture of his latch if that helps. Help! 😭 any advice? I think I’m gonna use a nipple shield till I can get an appt with a lactation nurse from his ped. I really want to be successful in breastfeeding!