New here


About to start my first/second dose of Clomid. A little back story...

Me and my ex husband tried it once but I only did it out of guilt for him and I don't remember ANYTHING about it. I just knew I didn't want a kid with him... Please don't judge. It was a hard decision to stay and to go.

Anyways to the now. My new husband and I have talked and he wants a kid(s) with me because ya know.. love. Ditto 😍💜

He's had a reversal to make this dream real for both of us. We've been trying for about a year and I've had an ectopic that took the left tube out of order so to say (previous marriage)..... I start my period next week and I'm pretty excited to see what happens next. It's going to start a new adventure for us. Hoping this does the trick and gives us the "ours" baby hahahaha I'm excited and thanks for any support, I'll be following this group as well as trying to keep it positive when you're down... Don't worry you're not alone.