IUGR and Twins

Talia • ✨Twin Boys 💙 7.2019 ✨ Air Force Wife 🇺🇸 28 yo

Hey ladies! I guess I mostly just came here to vent. I’m 34+1 with di/di boys and received a little unfortunate news yesterday. The boys have been doing pretty good growth wise, but yesterday at MFM we found out they’ve both fallen behind in growth. Baby B is in the 10th percentile and has IUGR. He’s measuring 3 lbs 14 oz. Baby A is in the 25th percentile and measuring 4 lbs 5 oz. I knew with twins they were going to be smaller but still, it only makes a FTM worry. Luckily though both babes looked perfectly healthy other than being small. So now we’ll be going in for NST twice a week and keeping a close on them and me. I also had some HBP for the first time yesterday so they’re monitoring that. In other news though, they scheduled my induction date for July 10th! 😬😬😬 It’s getting real!