Separating from husband?

I married my husband when I was 18 he was 26. We got married fairly quickly into the relationship but we were in love. Now I feel like I made a mistake. He is a compulsive liar. He lies for every little thing and always finds a way to blame me for it. He gets super defensive when I confront him about it and it’s not like I jump on him I simply ask him for proof and he goes bizarre. I’ve been very patient with him but I can’t anymore. We’ve also been having a lot of intimacy issues meaning he won’t have sex with me unless I beg him which I don’t feel like I should be doing. This has been going on for months. He makes me feel super unwanted like I’m a problem. I’ve asked him several times what I can do to make it better but even if I do it nothing helps. Our pastors have talked to us individually and have offered marriage counseling but I honestly don’t think that’s enough anymore. I’m so tired of fighting for my marriage when I feel like I’m doing my part and he refuses to do his. What do I do? I’m having such a hard time with this and every time I think about divorce I feel sick to my stomach but I can’t do this anymore I’m so worn out!!!