When do I say, “it’s okay, this is life, and I am still me”?


I have always been the person that’s like I don’t care what people say or think of me because regardless I’m gonna be myself but truth is, I do care what people think...A LOT. I am a role model in my community and in the arts and partly an upcoming public figure so I like to maintain a good appearance. I’m also Latina, Queer, a dancer/artist, and have depression. Meaning I like wearing my traditional shirts and Puerto Rican flag earrings with the hoops. I like dressing butch and wearing rainbow gear. I like wearing a leotard with sweatpants, a turtle neck, and leg warmers. AND I like wearing sweatpants and big sweaters and looking a mess...although I HATE looking a mess.

Anyway...I have many personas or alter egos but I also care what people think...”am I good enough?” Am I sexy?”...is this for everyone or just the male gaze? (A question I always ask myself)

When do I say “f$:@ it” and chop my hair and dress more butch or supper femme bruja (witch) it up?

Can anyone relate?!!!