Officially TTC almost 5 months after miscarriage


I’m currently on my period and my husband and I are going to try for our rainbow afterwards. I’m scared but excited. I wanted I truly wait longer because I’m still struggling mentally from my miscarriage and was on Zoloft for it.

The medication mixed with all the other meds caused me to have a severe reaction that caused itching and bruising all over my body. Before realizing it was the Zoloft my liver wasn’t working and the doctors worried it was something more severe so that started a whole month of panic. I had to stop all meds including birth control and I wasn’t able to get pregnant either because liver problems and pregnancy are not great together.

Thankfully after all meds were out of my body everything came back normal and Zoloft is now on my list of allergies. The fear of something being terribly wrong with me terrified me that my son was possibly going to be an only child. I am technically and only child and I hated it and my husband has ton of siblings and wants our son to at least have another sibling to navigate life with.

So now hence our journey for our rainbow and I’m now scared to try again and fail. I don’t know if I mentally can handle another loss this close.

Anyone else struggling with trying for rainbow baby and having mixed emotions and fears?