Crying happy tears!


So my son is 6 weeks and breastfeeding got very painful around 3 weeks. I saw a lactation consultant at that time, and she diagnosed him with a tongue and lip tie.

We just saw the doctor today and had both of them lasered. I was worried that he would not latch but after a few minutes of calming him down and trying to get him to latch, he did!! He was still numb from the procedure so he was unsure of himself but he did it!

This is the first time I don’t have any pain! This is the first day that he has been able to feed and he has been satisfied, he comes off of his latch on his own. No more clenched fists at the end of a feed.

I was getting over breastfeeding and almost just threw in the towel and went to formula. But I’m so happy that I didn’t. I feel like a weight lifted off my shoulders and I can’t wait to continue this BF journey! So happy!!