I need advice!!!!⚠️‼️⚠️‼️⚠️HELPPP

Okay so I’m going to change the names for this story, but I don’t know what to do!!!!

Okay so there is a guy friend of mine named John, and he is gay, but barely out (like everyone knew he was gay before he was). Today, he texted me and told me that he had “a boo” as he jokingly called it. he said that they had been a thing for about 2 weeks. After he tells me this guys name, I realize I know him! Let’s call the “boo” Brody.

Okay so I hadn’t talked to Brody in a while, and he was a really nice guy, but I was worried because last I had heard he was dating a guy named (another made up name) Cameron. SOOOO I was curious, and I texted a mutual friend (let’s call her Amy), and asked her what happened between Brody and Cameron, and she told me that they broke up, and heartbroken, Brody had been sleeping with a lot of guys in the past **wait for it** TWO WEEKS....

Amy assured me that Brody and John were “only f***ing”, but from John’s point of view, he thought they were an item.....

I promised John that I wouldn’t tell the entire world about his personal life, and I didn’t mean to go behind his back to get this info, I simply just wanted to know about Cameron, because he really seemed to be a nice guy too. And when I mentioned to Amy that Brody had a new ‘boyfriend’ (as I did not want to say John’s name so he could still have some privacy) she just shrugged it off like it was just a fling...

What do I do? Do I let John get used and hurt? Or do I tell John and make him feel like he can no longer confide in me?

I had no intention of spreading things about John, I really just wanted to know about Cameron and Brody, but Amy kinda just spilled all of the beans. This is really going to look like I immediately went and told Amy all of John’s business.... I don’t want John to get hurt though!

WHAT DO I DO?!???😭‼️⚠️