Should I say something about their car seats? ❗️❗️❗️

So I have this girl on snapchat and she’s always posting stories of her in the car with these girls she babysits and the other babysitter. These babysitters are 18/19. Anyways, every time I notice the girls are never in their car seats right. Their chest clips are not where they should be.

I’ve said something twice now. The first time she said the one car seat was broken but that they just barely got a new one. The second time I said something ( mind you these weren’t back to back, they were months apart) she said that she knows where the chest clip should be and that the car seat is broken. Now I’m seeing it WORSE than ever. The chest clips are literally almost to their belly buttons and the straps are loose as hell, like falling off their shoulder loose. Not to mention the straps are all twisted. I hate to be that person that says something again, but those are not even her children! She babysits them! If I found out my babysitter was being that reckless and careless, they would not be my babysitter anymore. It infuriates me.

Should I say something?