TTC after the pill

Trina • Wifey • Rainbow baby - Sept. 2020🌈

So I got off the pill 6 months ago, this was due to a number of reasons, the biggest is the fact that my husband and I are TTC! I know that it takes a while for the body to come off the hormones and regulate correctly again. So for every cycle since quitting, I’ve been having brown discharge, I know that it’s old blood and nothing to worry about. How long will this go on though? I feel like every month it gets lighter and lighter. And even last month I was convinced that it was a bit of implantation bleeding and then AF came. Right now I’m having discharge again, exactly 1 week before AF is due. Do you think this is still my birth control and body trying to figure out what to do or is there a chance that this could be implantation bleeding??? Fingers crossed AF doesn’t come!!😭 I’m just praying that this actually happens for us!