
This has been the easiest pregnancy I think anyone can go through. Seriously, I had no morning sickness, very little "usual symptoms", perfect weight gain, no complications, and little pain.

The worst of it until Monday was heartburn!

But Monday things got.... weird. I slept more than usual. I mean, like, all day. I never sleep more than 5 hours, so it was weird.

Then Tuesday I wake up and my whole left side was in some form of pain.

Throat, eye, nose, ear, head. Pain.

Wednesday brings me to my prenatal appointment, throat swab says I'm clear on strep, nose says no flu.

Thursday things SEEM to lighten up, but today? Friday? Things are WORSE. now I have the cough from hell, my whole throat hurts, fatigue, headache, and NOW a new issue I haven't dealt with since ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!! Pink eye!!!

I just want my little girl in my arms so I can finally throw all the necessary stuff at my body to rid it of this mess so I can be healthy again for her.

This is awful😭😭😭