Baby girl made it


Baby girl Elliott Lenore was induced due to complications I was having (39 weeks) everyone expected a quick labor and delivery because my first flew out in 6 hours. This diva was not having it.

It started with them not having the right balloon for induction- the dr was shoving forceps up my vag hole and couldn’t get the balloon in. I kinda knew that would happen because I have a deep set cervix.... it always reminds me of mean girls when the girl is like “I can’t help it I have a heavy flow and wide set vagina”

I made it to 2 cm after being on pitocin for over 7 hours. They suggested epidural to relax my body to see if that helped dilate me faster.

6 hours later I was at a 6😬the doctor decided to give me a c section- she felt something was wrong. I, for once, was at a loss for words.

We get to the or and they roll me over like a fat sausage. A few minutes later, Elliott Lenore let out her little baby cry😭😭😭turns out the cord was wrapped around her neck so tight that every co traction pushed her down the. PULLED HER BACK UP! She had the cutest little cone head

The whole not feeling anything kinda weirds me out but this lady breast fed like a fucking champion.

(That studs mine, back off 🤪🤪🤪)

Thank you ladies for helping me stay sane the past nine months💜💜💜💜💜💜