Baby hates bassinet?


My LO is almost 3 weeks old. We were doing super great with sleeping until this last week. She would sleep, wake to eat, and go right back to sleep. Now that she’s more alert, I cannot get her to go back to sleep in the bassinet. She fusses, flails her arms and legs, and won’t stop moving/making noises. But the second I place her in our bed on top of the comforter, she settles and will close her eyes. I do not want to bed share for safety reasons (please don’t try to convince me otherwise), but on occasions I have fallen asleep nursing her. I’m starting to wonder if the bassinet is just too hard for her? It’s a Halo bassinet with just a fitted sheet. When she’s nuzzled in my arms, lap, on the bed, she’s much more comfortable. We do swaddle and that used to be perfect but now she fights to get her arms out of the swaddle.

Send help- mom is tired 😩