Let’s get this baby moving!


So I am 39 weeks today and I am DONE! I had my son at 39 weeks but but my water broke and he was born 3 hours later - NO warning or contractions beforehand or anything! This pregnancy has been SO different and I keep getting false labor contractions that are driving me nuts! Anyone have any recommendations to kickstart this girl?? Last Friday I had an hour of contractions but they fizzled out, then Thursday night I was up from 2:30-5:30 as they gradually got closer and stronger but when I got up to have breakfast they stopped. I get Braxton Hicks and lightening pains all through the day but nothing that sticks. I’m going to say a big no to Castor Oil, but otherwise I’d like to see some progress! Waiting is the worst, especially when I went early with my son so I hoped I’d be early this time too! Definitely going for a power walk today....