Pregnancy after loss and Bicornuate Uterus


We found out we are expecting about 3 weeks ago after we lost our sweet girl at 21 weeks 2 years ago this last April. I have a bicornuate uterus but the loss of our baby wasn’t due to the uterus, her loss we unfortunately don’t have an answer to. We are so excited and thankful but also so scared for the unknown. We went in two weeks ago and due to stop tracking my period because I was getting defeated on how long conceiving was taking this time I was unsure when my last period was. We did a vaginal ultrasound and my ob determined I was just 4 weeks along. (I thought I was a little farther than that) We did some blood work and tested my hcg levels and they were 6,500 when I was told they should be more like 1,000-1,200 for 4 weeks. 🤷🏼‍♀️ She sent me out the door thinking I would be eventually having a miscarriage, well here we are almost two weeks past that and I still haven’t had a miscarriage. Have any of you had higher hcg levels than projected? This pregnancy has been 1,000 times different then the first. I never once was sick or anything the first time but this pregnancy I am sicker than sick and so so tired. My morning sickness in this last week has been so extreme and is lasting the entire day, making it hard to do anything other than lay in bed all day. I’m feeling positive that this pregnancy feels so different than the first and have been told “morning sickness” is a good sign. Wondering if any of you mamas can bring me light on this or if you any of you have a bicornuate uterus as well? Thank you mamas 💕💙💕🤰🏼