Wow just wow


Good to know what people think of ya lol I’m a selfish lazy cunt

When first had jaxon it was we do it together. Not going to lie I’ve struggled massively I struggle when don’t get sleep anyways

But because he has work and I’ve not sent him to have full nights sleep like he did me when I came out of hospital I’m the worst woman, partner and person in the world

I’m winding my son and then he’s shouting at me your whacking him too hard? Erm no I am not I’m tapping his back gently to help wind up same as I done with my other kids

I have three kids from previous relationship which he has been good with but keeps reminding me they my kids and it’s shouldn’t be down to him for them?!?!

I am now considering single parenting again as I’m now sat 4am with a cuppa heart racing

I darent even try and sleep as son unsettled and I feel like if he even makes slightest noise and I don’t sort him quickly il be in for more verbal back lash

Can’t believe I had another child together. Thought things would be ok but truth is there not

I already suffer bpd severe anxiety and depression and that gets thrown at me a lot

Last night he said well I have to deal with a newborn and your bpd shit

Other woman manage and cope and your useless and lazy

Baring in mind this is my 5th child I clean all day sort and feed kids do school runs clean garden when dogs out their feed the dogs rotate them around as can’t all eat together

Toddler 23months old spends all day full on screaming and throwing his toys across room so can’t settle incase hits baby

I’m not even entertaining it now he’s at work today Monday Tuesday so I will sort myself not even communicating to him Itl be bloody hard but come Wednesday when he’s not working I bet your life he will say so on my day off I’m suppose to sort him

Sorry long rant feel utter shit depressed

33 years old and feel my life is utter crap

I feel like letting other 3s dad have them him have these two and I not be here

Solves a lot