Breastfeeding/breast pumps


I’ve been reading a few posts in here lately about breastfeeding and breast pumps. Especially from first time moms. I just wanted to let everyone know about some resources for this you may not know about and I know for a fact would have saved me so much grief with my first a little over two years ago.

1: If you’re in the US, you and your baby are automatically qualified for WIC if you’re breastfeeding. They also offer peer supporters for breastfeeding that is 100% free on the phone and in person. Your local county office should be able to point you in the right direction for this.

2: Do not leave where you give birth without speaking with an IBCLC (international board certified lactation consultant) to help assess baby’s latch, look for any ties, and for general encouragement. Again this should be a 100% free service in the US.

3: Connect with your local La Leche League. Many have Facebook groups/pages and they will tell you where and when they meet. If you don’t have a local chapter connect with La Leche League International on Facebook. Again 100% free service wherever you are in the world. Both peer to peer support and trained IBCLCs.

4: Find a local breastfeeding community. There are tons on Facebook. These are great for peer to peer support both online and in person. The one I am in personally is a very active group with all sorts of questions and women from all kinds of experience and backgrounds with breastfeeding.

5: If you ever feel something is “off” with your baby breastfeeding, it’s best to see an IBCLC and NOT a pediatrician. While pediatricians are undoubtedly a much needed resource most do NOT have the proper training in infant nutrition much less breastfeeding. A pediatrician is a good place to start if you’re uncertain of how to go about finding an IBCLC you and babe can see.

6: Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me personally. Breastfeeding has become a passion of mine since having my first in March 2017. We only made it 17.5 months before unintentionally weaning (😭) but I have stayed very active in local communities and plan to breastfeed this baby at least 2 years.

Lastly, I do want to mention that no matter how you intend on feeding your baby (or end up feeding your baby) you’re all going to be great mamas to these beautiful babies. And for the formula feeding moms, your baby should also qualify for WIC for the first 6 months which can help tremendously with the cost of formula.
