Runny Poop??


So my little guy has extremely watery poop. It only happens about once a day. However since it’s so watery we have major blowouts. I have changed diapers and gone up a size and it still happens. It just seems like the diaper just can’t absorb it quickly or at all. I’ve also called the doctor and they have basically said as long as he’s eating, having enough wet diapers and doesn’t have a fever it’s fine. He has none of those things, but I’m still worried. I’m wondering if he has some sort of allergy to something I’m eating? Just looking to see if anyone else has encountered this? Is it normal? I’m just tired of the major blowouts and live in fear of him pooping all over me or someone else in public 🤦🏼‍♀️

Not sure why it’s only showing 1/4 of the picture, but you might get the idea.