Why am i like this?? Isit anxiety

I just wondered if anyone knew what this sort of thing could be; I have such a active mind and I can not calm down or stop untill I have a response. Things like I went on a night out with my friends and one of them replied with a short reply next day and I thought I had annoyed her and had to ask her and she was like wtf no you didn’t annoy me and with my boyfriend I’d say ‘ if I lost a finger would you still love me and stuff like ‘ if I ever went missing would you look for me’ and ‘ if I even thought of something ridiculous like that would never happen as soon as it’s in my mind I can’t stop till I get a response. I always have questions and a awnser back for everything, and it’s like my mind goes so deep and I always need to find out a awnser. And also if I think of something I need or want like I need to go get it or I can’t chill like if I think of a idea and want to get some blue tac or something I have to go to the shop to get it straight away. It’s okay, but sometimes it causes issues like people question why I am asking these things and I get my self in a hot mess