Postpartum depression

Yal I’m doing bad smh

I just wanna crawl in a hole and sleep for days!!!!

The worst part of pregnancy is the postpartum depression smh its winning! It happened my last pregnancy but not to this point. On top of dealing with a breakup! Today I went for food and couldn’t get out my car because I couldn’t stop crying smh. I put my shades on got my food and couldn’t eat. I delivered 3weeks ago and already I’ve lost 20lbs! I hate this feeling. I’m no good for my kids in this mind state. I wake up in the middle of the night to breastfeed and I just cry. Most of all I keep it all to myself and it’s starting too much. Like I just wanna check myself into a facility let them drug me up and sleep! Never been so depressed and alone in my entire life. To top it of I have bipolar disorder and I haven’t been on meds since finding out I was pregnant.