I was cleaning up my room took a break I was feeling a lil itchy,on my arms an back idk how but I look an see this looks like a bug but I put it on a surface it looked like a worm 😰 now I’m scared I have 🐛 it was beyond small anyone know what this is

It’s really small so you have to look closely, can you have worms on your skin? I have been so uneasy since I was not itching where it was crawling at neither. I get these itches a lot where it feels like something is crawling on me but I don’t ever see anything now I’m starting to wonder are thoes little itches little bugs or worms crawling on me, super scary an super paranoid. When I put it on this black surface it was moving very slow worm like but on my arm it was speeding.. I don’t have a video of it being on the black surface should have took one but I dabbed it with hot water an threw it out