Bleeding 14 weeks

Amy Niki • 👼 🌈 👧👶👶 Toddler & twin mom 💗💙💙 YOU are worthy of happiness

I’m 14 weeks 4 days today, following a missed miscarriage and D&C in Feb. I had spotting at 6 weeks but other than that this pregnancy’s been going well and ultrasounds have looked good. About an hour after sex tonight I went to the bathroom and had a gush of bright red blood. More than enough to fill a pad, it looked like my regular period. After being advised from 811 I’m currently waiting in ER to be checked out.. and I’m freaking out. I’m so terrified I’m losing this one too or somethings wrong.. hopefully we’ll get some answers soon. I’m also Rh negative. Have any of you had similar experiences? I’ve had spotting post sex before but nothing like this. Just when I thought everything was going to be okay.. just when I let myself relax. 💔🙏🤞