Finally finding the strength

So after seeing someone else’s post on here about going thru a relationship that is emotionally and mentally abusive. There’s a comment that stuck out to me and touched me. Because of that. I found my strength to finally leave a toxic relationship. It hurts because of course I don’t want to leave. But I will not stand to be treated with no respect. And to have this man I supposedly love say hurtful things about my son. I will admit I know I haven’t been mom of the year. I thought after divorcing my ex husband I was free. That relationship was even worse my ex husband cheated on me throughout the entire tome I was with him. And that was almost 10 years. I was just naive to think he would stop. Well after my divorce I met my fiancé. It’s been toxic and challenging. I have given up family and friends for my fiancé. And I have also put him before my son. I am now 22 weeks pregnant with his baby. And I refuse to let my daughter go they this. To see us fighting everyday. To hear how talks and treats me. I will not have her grow up thinking that it is ok to let any man treat her this way. It took a comment from a post for me to see that I have been so scared to leave because I always have this thought that no one will want me now that I have kids from 2 different men. Or the fact that I will not have any support from family that I have fought and lost touch with. I am scared and I am hurting really bad in the inside to leave him. But I will no longer cry or shed anymore tears for this man I call my fiancé. I have my children to keep me strong. I have a lot of making up to do with my son. And that’s where I will start. For those woman going thru an abusive relationship girls please leave them and save yourself. You will always have support to help you get thru it. Please girls. Learn to love and respect yourself and don’t ever let a man disrespect you. Make you feel bad for things that were manipulated or provoked. It’s not your fault. And you need to believe in yourself that you are strong. And INDEPENDENT.