What do you do about toxic friends?

I started reading my Bible and going to church for the first time in almost 10 years last summer. God has done an amazing work in my life in just a year and I can’t even begin to explain how freaking amazing He is! I’m really starting to think so differently and I find myself wanting to detach from my best friend of about 5 years. Problem? She is a family member (husbands side). I feel such a struggle between “helping” her and dragging myself down in the process. Her mother committed suicide about 5 years ago and she’s had a lot of relationship trouble in the past 3 years. I think she’s depressed and she definitely needs Jesus in her life. I just can’t seem to get her to realize how amazing He truly is. I have tried to explain to her and I’ve invited her to church, but she doesn’t seem to care. Sometimes she says she wants to start going, but not to my church. I’ve sent her some amazing sermons I found on YouTube and I bought her a devotional for her birthday. First of all, I’m no one to judge and I don’t feel any right to be acting self righteous towards her. We have been the same for years and I’ve definitely been the “bad influence” at times over the years. This is my biggest struggle. I just feel like a different person. All I want to do in the morning is read my Bible and listen to my worship music. I can’t start my day without it. She is calling me from the minute she wakes up wanting to come over. She always says I’m the only one that calms her anxiety and makes her feel better. I struggle with this because she feels like I’m all she has. How do I deal with this? She just comes over and starts constantly venting about her life and gets so negative. We have been having some issues lately because I’ve been confronting some things I think are wrong, but then I feel like a hypocrite sometimes too because I used to do those things! Lately her drinking is out of hand. Whenever we have a family get together she gets obnoxiously drunk and even drives home sometimes. I’m really struggling to focus on my relationship with God when I’m constantly surrounded by people who couldn’t care less about him. I need some advice 😢