
It was a long struggle for me trying to get pregnant with my son. i had multiple failed attempts and multiple miscarriages, until i just decided to give up trying, 6 months later i found out i was 3 months pregnant with my son 10 yrs ago .... today we are currently enduring the same exact experience. I had an IUD for 10 years which i had removed, we have been trying ever since . yesterday i had my first miscarriage since we have been trying ..... 3 weeks after i found out i was pregnant. Like any loss it has left me completely heart broken, my husband has two boys ages 10 and 7 and i have a 10 year old boy as well we have been looking forward to our first child together and hopefully bringing in a beautiful little girl into our family new family. i want to keep trying but yesterdays miscarriage has made me loose hope and feel discouraged

Every failed attempt is another ride on a heart braking emotional roller coaster, i don’t want to give up trying but i would hate to encounter another miscarriage.

If we are lucky maybe our next attempt will be successful and we will finally receive our new bundle of joy .... my prayers and good wishes go out to all trying and hoping as hard as i am
