Feeling defeated

My husband is in the military and his current unit works his ass off. I’m a SAHM to 2 small children. 3 and under.

This past week he’s been going to PT and getting home at 8:30 and having to leave again at 9 and won’t come home until 6 and then he had to do a CQ shift on Saturday which was 24 hours. So he worked 6 days this past week which amounted to 7 shifts. He had Sunday off but was so tired that we didn’t get any time in together and he barely spent time with our children. That’s fine I know he’s tired. He came home yesterday and tells me he has another shift on Wednesday. I got angry. I feel like his work to personal life ratio is way off. From 6-10 we are putting the kids in the bath and to bed and then by the time we’re done with dinner as well it’s time for bed. We are both so exhausted with his job and me with the kids that we just pass out. I know it’s temporary. It’s just so hard and the weekends are so short.

Well last night I find out he offered to work the second CQ shift. It was so his buddy wouldn’t have 2 in one week. So I shot back with “But you can?”. This guy lives in the barracks and has no wife or children. My husband does. Yet he’s sitting here volunteering to work an extra shift. Then coming home complaining of exhaustion. We’re the ones suffering from him taking extra shifts and working so much. Eventually I just gave up trying to argue with him since he must not mind helping coworkers out and working extra. I just feel lost here. I know the military comes first, but he’s adding extra stress on me by extending himself out even more when he can’t extend himself out to his own family. I just want to give up.