Feeling Lost and Overwhelmed


I’ve been TTC for 9 months now. I’m on Cycle Day 31. My cycle is usually 28-30 days. I missed a couple of days of OPK testing this month due to a camping trip (who wants to pee on a stick in the woods, right?) and never got a clear surge result, so I’m not sure exactly when I ovulated. Hubby and I did a pretty good job of BDing every other day, although we missed a couple of days. My boobs are sore and I’ve been emotional the past few days, but that isn’t out of the ordinary for me prior to AF showing up. No other obvious pregnancy symptoms. I just desperately need a BFP or AF to show up so I can start over with another cycle. Trying to stay positive but having a REALLY hard time this month. Please send happy thoughts. 😢