
Hi ladies I'm new to this app. I have PCOS and did my 2nd round of letrozole 2.5mg CD3-7. Clomid did not work for me. I've been using opks every cycle. I started testing on CD8 I'm currently on CD19. I have yet to get a positive opk let alone a peak. I dont know if its because I'm actually not ovulating at all or if possibly because of my PCOS that opks wont show ovulation?! My Husband and I are haveing intercourse every other day just incase i do ovulate and opks dont pick it up. I've been pregnant once before a year ago without medication it took us 2yrs to get pregnant unfortunately it was an abnormal pregnancy and ended in a miscarriage in September been ttc since October. It's been a very long journey for us. Any advice is welcomed I'm feeling discouraged and disappointed honestly.

Here's what my test look like. They're all the same