
I could tell you all the reasons why but we’d be here all day and all night too. This is real life story book stuff. Like I wonder all the time because this really seems too good to be true. Like what did I do that was so great that fate decided I earned a spot in his heart. Idk idk idk. I’m 8 weeks pregnant, I work 2nd shift and he is 1st shift, he comes home and loves on me before I have to leave, makes my lunch and cup of coffee while I’m getting ready. Then once I leave he takes care of my 2 boys that he loves and treats like his own (8&2), does the dishes, laundry, mows the yard, makes dinner for all of us and puts my plate up for me, and still manages to make time to toss the football around with my 8 year old and watch a movie with him before bed. I tell him daily that household chores is my duty (used to be) and that he works all day, he should just come home and relax, and he tells me to focus on taking care of myself and our baby inside of me and he’ll take care of everything else. He doesn’t let me lift a finger when he is around. I never ask him to do a single thing for me, but he goes out of his way to do everything he can. I don’t deserve this man ❤️

Btw I’m blue text he’s gray