Disappearing FRER...I think I'm out this month 😕

Shannon • Doctor of Clinical Social Work • LCSW • Wife since 6/30/18 💍

Has anyone had a negative FRER in the AM, then a faintly positive one that same PM, then a negative one again the next AM with FMU & not had it be a chemical pregnancy?

Below on the top row is my vvvfl on FRER at 5:00 PM last night (6/25/19, & no idea how many times I peed before that). I was at most 7dpo last night. It's very early, but I tested due to severe heartburn and nausea.

Yesterday AM with FMU was negative with a possibly vvvvvfl, but then at 5:00 PM it was for sure a vvvfl.

THEN today...bottom row is my FRER & a crappy CVS test (no FRERs left) from 8:30 AM today with FMU. Negative or barely anything at all.

It's another chemical isn't it? 😓 I had one in January and a possible one in March (+ test, but it was Walgreens brand & everyone said those give false positives, which matched my FRER being negative in March). But idk if I can keep doing this if I'm going to have chemicals every time. My sister is dying of breast cancer and I just want this to work before...y'know, just so she can at least see an ultrasound & know she's an aunt.

Anyone have any experience with something similar?