Miscarrying first baby..,

Cari • Had my Rainbow Baby Girl in July 2020 - Now due with baby #2 in Jan 2022 🤍

I was spotting... lightly with no pain what’s so ever on Wednesday June 19th. Doctor said it was normal, just my uterus expanding. Thursday it got red and I got scared and went to the ER. Baby was fine still no pain. Heartbeat strong. Friday, cramping at work. Was home for an hour and bleeding got worse and clots. Went to the ER and miscarriage was confirmed. 🥺 I was so devastated. I never would’ve thought I would ever have to go through anything like this. I zone out and just think about my angel baby and just wonder what I ever did to deserve this pain. I was 8 weeks I had known for a month and the excitement of announcing and planning, all crushed in an instant. 😪 We have decided to try for our rainbow as soon as we’re given the green light. I pray I get pregnant quickly... I just can’t with all this emptiness. I want to be a mom more then anything... so to all you momas trying, we will get our rainbows after the storm! 🌈♥️ Baby dust!!