Giving a bottle at night?


Any other Moms give their breastfed baby a bottle at night? My LO is 6 days old and I've been breastfeeding. In the beginning we were having latching issues so I was pumping and giving him a couple ounces in a Dr brown bottle everyday but now hes latching better so Ive just been exclusively breastfeeding. Well he literally eats ALL day and all night long. Wakes up every hour to eat during the night and from about 8pm-10pm he nurses and freaks out if I put try to put him to bed.

Its starting to get to me so my husband suggested giving him a bottle before bedtime so that he can also bond with him and maybe our LO will sleep longer between feeds. I really dont want him to get used to taking a bottle though and start rejecting the boob so I've been staying away from it completely. What are your thoughts? Does.anyone do this and still breastfeed just fine? My nipples could also use a break. 😣