No longer taking a bottle


My son is 11 months old and he barely nurses or drinks a bottle anymore. For me personally, he will nurse a teeny bit before each nap during the day (2 naps) and before bed and then really well in the morning and that's it. When I am home to put him to bed, he will nurse for me right before I put him down to sleep, at least for now. Yay! But when I am at work and my husband has to put Emmett to bed, he makes him a bottle and Emmett refuses to drink it so he goes to bed without a bottle. We tried switching formula to some he used to really like and that didn't work. And I doubt it's his bottle because he's loved it since he was teeny. This is now night number 4 that he won't take a bottle. Is this a big deal? Or should I not let my husband worry about it? I'll still continue to breastfeed him before bed for as long as he'll tolerate it. I started a new job at a restaurant and am working more nights now, so bedtime is usually done by Daddy now.