
Recently I started a small business. I really enjoy doing what I do. It also lets me work at home. So I get to be with my baby. My husband has been completely unsupportive. I made a bad move yesterday which cost me like 20$ but nothing big. I’ve been trying hard to get this off the ground so I can earn money to pay for my stuff and be independent. I’ve always been a stahm and my husband has provided, but over the years he’s gotten really stingy with his money. And he says I don’t do anything at home, although I’m the only one who cleans, cares for our daughter, cooks, and all that Jazz. I saw it like my job. And I though we were both happy. Til recently that he said he’s not giving me anymore of “his” money, just so that I can be lazy and do nothing at home. Anyways I started this business desperate for work. And desperate to earn money. I can’t drive since I also have epilepsy. So I have to rely on him driving me to places. Which has not been going well. Anyways, I made a bad move and lost $20 in a small mistake. This morning I overheard him talking to his uncle who’s staying with us, laughing at the mistake I made. So now I feel like completely giving up on this business and looking for a normal job. I’ve missed a few interviews since my husband refuses to leave work to watch our daughter. I have no one who can watch her. He just tells me to figure it out on my own. I feel so alone.