Baby Kyrie is here 💕


Our surprise baby is a girl ! I am so shocked , I was dead set she was a boy!

We went in this smorning to be induced. They started pitocin around 730-8am. And increased it every half hour. I really wanted to try to go natural, but was open minded cuz I’ve heard being induced was more painful. I had an epidural with my first and was great, but have had back pain ever since so was trying not to get one.

When I came in I was 4cm and was for a few hours before the dr came in to break my water, which was very painful ! I started to get more intense contractions but was breathing through them. They checked me about an hour later and was 6 cm. I kept telling myself I could do it and breathed through them. A little later I asked for some pain medicine so was checked again and was 7-8 cm. I was given the pain medicine and it did nothing for me besides making me light headed. I then asked for the epidural so was checked again and was told I was 8-9 cm and that it was too late. I was begging for it! The nurse wanted me to go to the bathroom to empty my bladder and said baby would probably be ready. I was having back to back contractions and couldn’t get up to go. She was starting to put a catheter in when the pain became so intense. I pushed her away from there and was moaning in pain. They called for the dr a few times and was trying to wait for him, but baby had other plans. My body was pushing and I couldn’t stop. The nurses were yelling trying to tell me to stop pushing and was running around trying to get gloves and things ready. I just started screaming a pushing. Within a minute she was out. The dr arrived a minute after she got here !

This birth was completely different than my first. With my first they had me in stirrups and had to push a few times counting to 10 then he slowly came out.

With Kyrie, I did it all on my own. My legs were just bent up on the bed and I just pushed her out right onto the bed. I didn’t think I could do it, but I did !