My BFP positive chart

Honey🌚 • 29. Pcos. Married. 👶🏻💙2/22/2020

I want to share this with you guys if you are interested. My temperatures were super rocky in the beginning. They hurt my eyes so much I had to discard a bunch 😂 I really thought I was headed into another anovulatory month. I didn’t ovulate around the time I got my positive opks. But god works in mysterious ways 😊

It was the month where I stopped taking

fertility meds (femara- we tried both clomid and femara) Only took fertilaid for women , metformin , myo and d-chiro , vitamin d, coq10, omega 3 and vitamin c powder. I also took CBD gummies by a company called Pure Kanna in my tww. It helped me stay relaxed while I waited.

My husband was taking fertilaid for men, vitamin c powder , ashwaganda and vitamin d.

I think the fertilaid really helped us.


Someone actually told me on here my coverline was too low and I probably didn’t ovulate. Won’t lie that stressed me out for a bit there ..