How to get baby to nap in crib???

Help! My 5 month old son is a champ at sleeping in his crib through the night. He’s slept in it since about 6 weeks old and can now sleep about 8-10 hours straight a night. When we put him down for the night, he gives us no problems and will just roll over and go to sleep on his own.

But for some reason, the kid will NOT nap in his crib 🤷🏻‍♀️ He will only sleep on me or in his swing during the day. The moment I try to lay him down in the crib, he will immediately wake up. Even if I wait 20 minutes past him falling asleep, it’s like he can tell immediately when I’ve put him down lol. Any tips?! I feel like we’ve tried everything and there have been days where we’ve literally tried for an hour and he just fights it the whole time. Help!