need some advice please


im going to the dr today and im so nervous tell him i need help. im suffering with depression and stuff and im over weight i wish i had someone to help me loose weight push me ect im fallig apart i have two toddlers and my nerves stay torn im so deprssed and just need a break i deserve it so much but my family treat us like trash.. and i just hate my life my adhd makes me so bad im broke i cant work because i dont know how count money or nothing i just hate my life is like my brain tells me to di something but i struggle and then is like dont do it.. idk how explain myself but im exhausted 😩 and just feel like givin up but i dont... i tryed to get ssi they wont approve me few yrs ago like 2 said dont have enough info and the guy did my evulation to try get checks denied me i told him i cant do it idk math ect... my son has autism and adhd and he gets checks but its for him it isnt enough to help pay bills...i just hate myself and life.. i know i cant work it fucking sucks man because inwant to be like others be happy and work im so ill all time and everything... i cry and sob alot :( all i ever want to do is be normal...