Waiting for first ultrasound - how do y’all do it?!


I’m going crazy! I still have 3.5 weeks before my first ultrasound and I don’t know how I’m going to get through! I’m already a bit of a mess because my hcg only went up 66% in 48 hours (although my doctor told me I didn’t need to worry) so I’m concerned that I’m in a risky state for miscarriage. Doctor doesn’t see the need to do any more blood tests before ultrasound so now its just a waiting game to make sure baby K is growing and is healthy.

I could kick myself for getting bloodwork done. I didn’t need to, but I thought why not. And now it’s got me all freaked out. If I had never done it I wouldn’t have known my results were not quite doubled in 48 hours and then I wouldn’t have to live as an anxiety ridden mess.

I feel like I can’t even enjoy my pregnancy right now because I’m just so scared of something being wrong. And now this wait for the ultrasound...how do you all deal with this anxiety? I was not prepared for this!