Hot to deal with this

Hii, so me and my boyfriend are in a strong and happy relationship so far. He just got an awesome opportunity as a logistics trainee in one of the biggest companies in my country.

And I’m extremely happy for him and encouraged him to take it. He’s gonna learn a lot, has great benefits and gets paid really well plus the trainee is for one of the areas he was most interested in while we were studying at the university.

The thing is that today I was just chilling on Facebook and on my news showed up him asking for info about rooms in a different district saying he needs to move there. We currently live like 15 mins apart, which is really close in my city. And i was like 😱 well makes sense. His workplace is far away from where he actually lives with his fam. And when I checked the date, he posted it almost three days ago. Hasn’t said a single thing to me tho. And well he’s gonna move obviously. But he’s gonna be living like 2 and a half hours away now. I’m just confused. We don’t really see each other much because I’m still in my last year of university and have classes at night. He works during the day and on saturdays and sundays he’s busy with his MBA and he’s also working on his thesis and has to do solve his MBA cases.

I’m just confused tho. Like why wouldn’t he mention that he’s gonna be living like 2 and a half hours away and moving alone. I’m not mad at him for doing that. I’m more than proud of who he is and extremely happy for him. But I’m feeling hurt and down now. He’s the only guy I’ve ever fell in love with and my first boyfriend.

We’ve been friends for like 2-3 years before starting to date and become boyfriend and girlfriend.