Switching sides? Decreased feeding time


I feel foolish asking this but up until now I was always switching breasts during nursing feeds with my 2 month old.

Every time he nursed we’d get in around 7 minutes per side.

This week I think he had some sort of growth spurt because he was super fussy and I for some reason was into oatmeal for breakfast and holy moly talk about oversupply omg. Usually I’m fine 4-5 hours before I’m ready to explode and even during those times my 2 month old would still eat around 15 minutes for both sides.

But this week because of the oversupply I tried to give him one breast at a time and he’s been okay with it except now his feeding time per session is 7-10 minutes and he’s done —I can tell he’s content because he dozes off.

Is this kind of change normal? Should I be offering only one side per feed? (offering other side if need be ...) are these changes normal around this age?

I’m just nervous I’m messing with his fore/hind milk intake.

Anyone have any insight? Experience like this?