Need opinions


I had my tubes tied in 2012 but i recently been drinking teas n medecine to concieve . this month i bleed a little thinking it was start of my period but i dont think it was. My periods are 7 days usually and this lasted 1 day n a half . it started june 9. That wensday i started getting nausea very badly n tired easy and heartburn.. Thursday took a pregnancy test n came up a very faint positive .. So i decided to go to hospital vecause the nausea is very bad . well they then repeat urine preg test n comes back negative .. Well one week later laying n bed i feel a flutter n i told my husband something isnt right so we went back to emergency room n they did a pelvic and stomach ultrasound . the dr then tells me my right ovary cant be seen . n if i dont get my period next week call obgyn...

Can someone give me a opinion or anything .