Diva Cup

Sydney • Spread positivity & love ❤️

I’m into day 3 on my period and it’s still a pretty heavy flow 🙄 This is the first time I’ve used a diva cup & I’m not sure if I like it?? Yeah, it’s great not really having to worry about it all day. Just clean it in the morning & put it in, take it out clean it before bed & put back in. Maybe check on it throughout the day if I have a super heavy flow day.

I don’t have issues with inserting & taking out. Cleaning it (boiling) and rinsing is pretty easy. I just hate how long the process is. I’m so accustomed to just taking out a tampon and putting a new one in within seconds, ya know?

I think I’m gonna stick to it because it’s said to be better for you. But quick question!

Has anyone noticed your flow to be more mucousy or larger clots while using a diva cup?