Shopping for clothes for a mom bod

I had my son three years ago, after that my confidence completely disappeared. I always think there’s something wrong with the way I look, I try cute clothes on and immediately end up changing back into my baggy T-shirts.

I hate my figure I’m built like a freaking rectangle. I’ve got big saggy boobs which doesn’t help with any of it all, and I’m really having a hard time finding clothes that fit my figure well, having my son left my stomach saggy at the bottom, so most of the pants I try on have the most unappealing pooch. I just feel gross about myself.

Oh and I weigh in the 150s-160s.

I was wondering where fellow girls that have my problem shop, what kind of pants/shirts compliment your body better, and where can I find some cute but comfy bras.

I’m a mess, but I’m so tired of hiding my body in huge shirts that just make me look even bigger than I feel I already do. I’m trying so hard to bring my confidence back but it’s so hard.