Family & dating issues

Hi everyone!

This may be a bit long sorry in advance :)

February I met a guy through my cousin at a little party she was having, thought he was super cute. We got along really well, hooked up, and that’s honestly all I wanted. I just got out of a relationship sept 2018 so I wasn’t ready for anything of that nature. The next morning he asked me for my number, he texted me. A while later we saw each other again, we slept together again, we went out for breakfast, he paid. We made plans to hangout alone, we went to a restaurant (his suggestion) he paid, he brought my fav chocolate bar, we went for a drive after and HE kept kissing me at red lights so I was like, ok why tf not. I wasn’t LOOKING for anything more but why would I deny myself the opportunity to be with somebody else because of my ex? So I went with it. We hung out more, we went on more dates (was confirmed as dates BY HIM), more chocolate bars more sleepovers, HE would always ask ME to sleep over. He would make me breakfast, etc etc. We were dating. No questions. I asked him where it was going, he said word for word “I’m not ready to date anyone seriously for a long time, I like where we are I just don’t want to fuck it up by putting a label on it” bc his ex of 6 years totally tucked up his life and he essentially had to start all over (living together & she left for another guy), which ok kinda hxc fuckboy shit but I wasn’t unhappy with it, i understood. Few months go by and everything is fine, we see each other about once a week. Then a few weeks go by & nothing, so I reach out and ask what’s up and I straight up tell him how I feel, being that I’m into him but I do need to be given a bit more?

I also tell him that the other night my cousins other friend tried to sleep with me and I said no as I was seeing somebody. He said “I hope I can give you what you want, you’re right it’s not fair to you” etc.

Few days later he reached out, invites me over that day, I was working so couldn’t come, same with the next 2 days, and I didn’t want to drop everything the second I hear from him after nearly 3 weeks of nothing. Then he invited me to sleepover that weekend, I was fine with that as I wasn’t working. So we made those plans just needed to figure out which day. The day before Friday he calls and says he needs to do something else so I can come by in the afternoon for a bit, we end up talking for like an hour and he tells me he isn’t really all that happy, he says “I didn’t like what you said about turning other people away for me. I never asked you to do that”, and that this is a “waste of time”. Something didn’t feel right so I told him that, nothing came of it, we haven’t talked for over a month.

Recently, I find out that my cousin invited me, his ex, and him over. I couldn’t make it thank fuck, so it’s just them two. She goes back to his house with him. They said they just talked and didn’t have sex, because apparently she was still with the man that she left him (the guy I was seeing) for and was going back to a different state and was just visiting her family here.

I never believed any of that it’s some fuckin nonsense if u ask me. My cousin says that they fought the whole night and that his ex said it would be the last time they see each other. I didn’t believe that either. My cousin also tells me that she’s going back to the other state shortly. I don’t believe that. TODAY I find out everything is true. He is with her again, she is living back here again, etc. I know that either A) they slept together and then he felt guilty so he pulled the “I never asked you to do that” or B) that weekend what he really “needed to do” was her and he was covering his ass before anything happened.

Also his ex wants to meet me and that’s fucked??? Lurked my fb said I was cute which okay ya leave me tf alone tho???

Anyways this whole situation reminds me of my recent ex boyfriend who hurt me deeply, I’m a very understanding person but what I can’t stand is being lied to. I feel that I am being made out to look like a fool, and my cousin continues to lie to me after I already caught her in a lie and told her not to fuck with me ever again. I thought we were close, I don’t have many girlfriends so I was happy to be close with somebody (who is also single) and a member of my family that we could do fun things with and have a good time thinking that no matter what I would be supported, as again, FAMILY.

If this was a friend, I would cut her off no questions. But it’s not. So I don’t know what to do. I’m so angry and that’s definitely stemming from hurt. I think she knows that I know now as well. I really don’t know what to do.

How do I deal with my cousin?

How do I get closure without having to speak to him?

TLDR; was seeing cousins friend and he lead me on, we “broke up” bc he got back together with his ex, he lied about it, cousin is still lying to me about it.

Thanks in advance.