I’m heartbroken

I was with my boyfriend for 6 months, doesn’t seem long i know but for me i fall in love too easily and he is the loveliest person and such a gentleman. Boys today my age (i’m 15) just go out and do drugs and only want sex. But this boy was different, he loved me for me and i lost my virginity to him because i thought he was the one who i would be with for a while. If i had known that he would have dumped me a month later i would never have given that up to him. And i keep thinking about him, he’s in my thoughts and keeps appearing in my dreams about him wanting me back and every morning i wake up and feel happy because as i’m half asleep i think the dream is real. but then i come back to reality and i’m alone again. You might just be thinking, there’s plenty of other boys, but not like him. there is only one of that boy and i want him. So please give me some help on how to cope, it would be much appreciated x