Im not okay


Two weeks ago my husband and i found out that we cannot have children without the aid of <a href="">ivf</a> or donor sperm. The dr told me <a href="">ivf</a> would be a shot in the dark and theres a greater chance that it would not take so essentially id have to choose wether or not id want to “waste money”. Donor sperm is not an option. As amazing as it is that someone donates sperm so women can have babies, i dont want that. I want my own biological child with my husband. We looked into adoption but its a pretty pricey and lengthy process.

Im broken. Im in shambles. My heart is in pieces. All ive ever wanted was to be a mother. To be able to give a child love and be there for them and make sure he/she has everything they could ever need or want. To be able to have something my husband and i never had growing up. At this point im not sure how im going to get over this. I dont think i ever will. Im bitter. Im angry. Im frustrated. Im trying not to fall into my depression again. I am trying so hard to be my normal happy self, but i cant. I used to have hope that maybe one day it would happen. Now that hope is gone. After 3 long years of ttc, my journey is finally over.

So ill continue to hope and pray for all you ladies that you get your positive test and that you all have happy and healthy pregnancies❤️