Bedtime routine for cosleeping moms and babies?


We cosleep (bedshare) with my son and just wondering how other moms are going about getting to bed at night. My son has typically been falling asleep around 8 while my husband and I watch TV (sleeps either on us or on the couch next to us) and then I bring him into bed, nurse him and we both sleep around 10. I think I'm second guessing this now because he seems to be in the sleep regression and/or growth spurt phase, but do you think the TV being on in the background/me and my husband talking could be affecting his sleep? Should I move him to the room earlier and then join him later?

Also, what are you cosleeping mamas doing about naps? We just set up a crib which was gifted to us and I'm trying to get him to nap there so that he'll be used to that when he goes to daycare in September, but we're having some difficulty. I feel like my cosleeping, EBF baby is going to struggle and be the one the daycare workers complain about lol.