Dreaming and testing..

Bethany 🐟 • 27. Married to ❤️ of my life. CP in March. Pregnant with our 1st!! Due June 2020! 😍

So yesterday morning I was 3 days till AF(11 dpo) and had a dream that night I took a pregnancy test and it was super positive! So I got up and was kinda excited to take the test.. got a big fat negative. Ugh.

Now on to this morning I’m now 2 days till AF(12dpo) and last night I have a dream that AF came, strong. Got up and hasn’t yet but I am cramping a little.

These dreams are messing with my mind!!!! I’ve been trying for a year now, and I just started clomid this cycle so I had higher hopes than normal but looks like I’m out yet again. 🙃