One week using Pink Stork's Fertility Bundle and...


I finally got my period!!! My last period was March 9. I have PCOS so my cycles are wacky. Before March 9, my period was regular for about 4 months, then it just didn't come back. We've been ttc #2 for about almost 4 years. My first was conceived with a first round of Clomid. Two years ago we did 4 rounds of Letrozole and trigger shots, and only got 1 chemical. We decided to try on our own again for awhile and nothing. I'm really hoping Pink Stork can help. Im really glad it brought on my period. This is what I use:

My 4 year old daughter is desperate for a baby brother or sister. She asks me everyday if I drank my two cups of tea! Here's to hoping it helps me conceive or at least helps regulate my cycle.